前线任务2(PS1),Front Mission Second
黑之剑(PS1),Kuro no Ken: Blade of the Darkness
柔情蜜意,Tender Loving Care
万杰赛车:特别版,Vangers Special Edition
Q版赛车4(PS1),Choro Q Wonderful!
最终解放:战锤传奇40K,Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40000
魔法门系列之英雄无敌III资料片死亡阴影,Heroes Of Might And Magic III The Shadows Of Death
桃太郎传说(PS1),Momotarou Densetsu
牧场物语 回归自然 男孩版(PS1),Harvest Moon: Back To Nature
妖精战士2(PS1),Arc the Lad II
龙的崛起,Rise of the Dragon
北极星行动,Fist of The North Star
末日军团任务包,Armies of Armageddon WDK2K Expansion Pack Tour of Duty 44
疯狂摔跤(PS1),WWF Wrestlemania The Arcade Game
半条命,Half life
超级休伊3,Super Huey III
孤高英雄(PS1),Capcom Generation 4: Dai 4 Shuu Kokou no Eiyuu
三国志5加强版(PS1),San Goku Shi V
拳皇 京(PS1),The King of Fighters Kyo
武装战斗车2(PS1),Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
PSP武装战斗车2(PS1)Vigilante 8: 2...
英雄无敌历代记之征服地狱,Heroes of Might and Magic Chronicles
沉默爆破手(PS1),Silent Bomber
马岛战争2032,Malvinas 2032
暴民统治,Mob Rule
时间旅人3:时空遗物,The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
铁拳3(PS1),Tekken 3
顶级智力游戏2,Teazle 2
英雄无敌历代记之宇宙之神,heroes chronicles: master of the elements
火星大疑案监督者,Tex Murphy Overseer
晶莹之露(PS1),Threads of Fate
平衡世界,Keep the Balance
名侦探柯南 三人的名推理(PS1),Meitantei Conan - 3-Jin no Meitantei
法老王和埃及艳后,Pharaoh and Cleopatra
云斯顿赛车,Nascar Racers
钢铁猛兽,Steel Beasts
英超全明星足球2001,FA Premier League Stars 2001
惊魂11小时,The 11th Hour
战泪,War Torn
沙丘2000(PS1),Dune 2000
1000个经典智力游戏,1000 Games PC Classics
油轮格斗(PS1),Crisis Beat
虚幻锦标赛,Unreal Tournament
一级方程式经理,F1 Manager 2001
家族战争,Family Feud
神偷黄金版,Thief Gold
机甲女战士,female presence
星际远航,Reach for the Stars
西游记(PS1),Saiyuki - Journey West
卡普空时代1 击坠王的时代(PS1),Capcom Generation 1 - Dai 1 Shuu Gekitsuiou no Jidai
太空救援,Space Rescue
寄生前夜2(PS1),Parasite Eve II
战区51(PS1),Area 51
造物主,Creatures Playground
近距离作战5之诺曼底登陆,Close Combat 5 Invasion Normandy
匹萨大亨,Pizza Connection
宙斯众神之王,Zeus Master of Olympus
星球大战:同盟铁翼,STAR WARS: X-Wing Alliance
虹吸战士2(PS1),Syphon Filter 2
阿比逃亡记2(PS1),Oddworld Abe's Exoddus
烈火战车4(PS1),Twisted Metal 4
鬼魂力量 / 圣魔战记(PS1),Spectral Force
彩虹六号:鹰眼行动,Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Eagle Watch
台湾麻将首部曲(PS1),Taiwan Mahjong EPISODE 1
丛林袭击,Action Man 2 Jungle Strike
超能力战士(PS1),Wild 9
圣战士坦拜因 圣战士传说(PS1),Seisenshi Dunbine Seisenshi Densetsu / Aura Battler Dunbine
勇者斗恶龙7 伊甸的战士们(PS1),Dragon Quest VII
坎贝拉猎鹿人4,Cabelas Big Game Hunter 4
虚拟人生2,Virtual Life 2
暴走传说之艺术传(PS1),Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2
模拟城市3000无限,Simcity 3000
猎鸟人,Bird Hunter
恐龙危机,Dino Crisis
改头换面,Burnout Drag Racing
恶魔战士EX,Vampire Savior EX
狩魔猎人3:圣魔血祭,Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred Blood of the Damned
怪物农场2(PS1),Monster Rancher 2
麻将俱乐部(PS1),Mahjong Club
过山车大亨,Rollercoaster Tycoon
泥道飞车,Dirt Track Racing Sprint Cars
高难度飞车,Hot Wheels Slot Car Racing
钟楼 首度恐惧(PS1),Clock Tower - The First Fear
卡片召唤师 扩展版Plus(PS1),Culdcept Expansion Plus
豆兵大作战(PS1),The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
动物智力拼图,Puzzle Mania Animals Multilanguage
佩特卡:审判日,Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice
命运守护者,The Ward
迷雾世纪,TLON A Misty Story
菲波的文档,the Feeble Files